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Our NLP software delivers accurate internal perspectives of organisations extracted from their employees' text feedback. It defines known and unknown problems enabling effective organisational improvements to be planned and delivered.

Use it to eradicate
 leadership blind-spots, measure psychological safety and ensure organisational resilience and increased prosperity.

Join our integration partners and clients making justified and effective changes. Reduce churn rate, support EDI, prioritise actions and resources, and connect your board to your workforce better than ever before.

a diverse group of people smiling at the camera

"Thanks to Akumen we now have the capability to analyse our people’s open text quickly and accurately. We no longer need 100-question surveys to uncover all aspects of our staff’s experiences.

We can use open questions to uncover topics we were not aware of and learn in great richness and breadth what is on our employees’ minds across their entire experience."

Dr Tina Peeters, Behavioural Scientist + global people analytics lead, DSM-Firmenich 

Image of three people smiling looking at the camera with emojis floating about

Employee Experience

Decode all environmental variables that drive employee behaviours 

  • Leverage the full insight value in employee free-text

  • Identify and prioritise organisational improvements

  • Evidence and overcome retention issues

  • Understand culture and address areas for improvement

  • Monitor eNPS and understand how to elevate it

  • Enhance employee experience of an organisation’s culture

  • Boost your brand reputation as an employer

  • Seamless and real-time integration via API

EDI Assurance

Imag eof three diverse people looking at the camera and smiling

Cultivate workplaces where all employees can thrive, driving innovation and long-term success

  • Enhance employee morale and engagement

  • Identify workplace disparities and design effective proactive measures

  • Enable tailored initiatives that resonate with diverse perspectives

  • Foster and evidence a positive workplace culture that attracts and retains a diverse talent pool


A collection of three images of different groups of people symbolising a company merger

Mergers & Acquisitions

Ensuring optimised synergy through informed planning, communication, and cultural integration

  • Define pre-merger organisational alignment profiles 

  • Target cultural differences between organisations

  • Reveal and manage workforce expectation and anxiety

  • Monitor in realtime the before/during/after lived experience of your workforce

Picture of 5 people sitting together on a bench all smiling
Image of a group of people standing about

A conversation with

Dr Tina Peeters:
The Missing NLP capability in People Anlaytics

How we work with you

Image of an API connection

API Integration

Akumen tagged-data fed into your decision intelligence system via our API

Image of some graphs and reports

Insight Platform

Full access to real-time and interactive analysis of your data via the Akumen insight app

Image of a woman consultant holding a tablet and arranging information for a report she is writing


Deep, insightful analysis reports delivered by Akumen’s expert consultancy service

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